My life seems to be pivoting on counting up and counting down now...
I've been doing the #100happydays on Facebook. 42 days later, without a day missed, I can say it has changed the way I look at things. Each day I'm looking for what I'm going to post, it's making me much more aware of the positive things in each day. Some days I'm spoilt for choice!
I've also noticed that so many of my happy things are to do with Lee or Willow, both of them make me smile so many times each day. I feel so lucky to be where I am right now.
So that's the counting up... Now the counting down, it's 32 days till the wedding!! We seem to have been doing the proverbial blue-arsed fly rushing around, but things are slowly getting sorted. All the major things are in place now, it's just the finer details that need tweaking. We are alternating between panic and excitement!
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